Performance Dashboard: Overview
The data analytics and visualization software enable us develop performance dashboard with ease. Performance dashboard is a widely used method to drive operations improvement.
- Data Analytics
- Overview

Machine Learning in SCM: Overview
Machine Learning (ML) offers significant potential to enhance supply chain management, particularly in improving data quality, optimizing segmentation analysis, and refining decision-making processes. It can...
- Machine Learning
- Overview

End-to-End Supply Chain: Customer Ontime Delivery
End to end (E2E) supply chain involves an entire integrated process. From product design and procurement of raw materials then scheduling, production and then final...
- Data Analytics
- Overview

Demand Forecast: Forecast Accuracy and Bias
Accuracy of demand forecast is measured by tracking actual sales against forecast quantity on monthly basis. The forecast bias is calculated in terms of dollar...
- Data Analytics
- Demand Forecast

S&OP: Consolidated Demands
Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) is an intermediate range planning to balance demand with supply of key resources.
- Data Analytics
- S&OP

Demand Forecast: PBOM (Planning BOM)
In the context of highly configurable final products, Planning BOMs (Bill of Materials) are crucial for accurate demand forecasting and material requirement planning (MRP). A...
- Machine Learning
- Demand Forecast

Procurement: Material Price Variance (MPV)
The concept of Material Price Variance (MPV) is critical in procurement for tracking the cost effectiveness of purchases. It involves calculating the difference between the...
- Data Analytics
- Procurement

Procurement: Vendor OnTime Delivery (VOTD)
Vendor Ontime Delivery (VOTD) is measured by tracking the difference between supplier’s promised date and actual store received date for each completed purchase delivery.
- Data Analytics
- Procurement

Procurement: Supplying Lead Times
Order Identification lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim...
- Machine Learning
- Procurement

Inventory Management: Inventory Turns
Inventory turns is the way to measure inventory efficiency.
- Data Analytics
- Inventory Management

Manufacture: Labor Efficiency & MOTD
Manufacture performance can be measured in terms of labor efficiency and manufacture ontime delivery (MOTD).
- Data Analytics
- Manufacturing

Warehouse: Labor Efficiency and Space Occupancy
Warehouse performance can be measured in terms of labor efficiency and space occupancy rate
- Data Analytics
- Warehousing

Transportation: Cost as Percentage of Revenue
Transportation cost is tracked as percentate of sales revenue over a period, for instance, month.
- Data Analytics
- Transportation